Family and Educational Counseling Centre

About us

The fami­ly and edu­ca­tio­nal coun­sel­ling cent­re of Weg­wei­ser e.V. is a coun­sel­ling cent­re reco­g­nis­ed by the youth wel­fa­re office of the city of Leip­zig and the rural dis­trict of Leip­zig.
Our team con­sists of sys­te­mic fami­ly the­ra­pists from dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nes (psy­cho­lo­gists, social pedago­gues & edu­ca­tio­na­lists) and spe­cia­li­sa­ti­ons
(inclu­ding media­ti­on and cou­ples therapy).

We pro­vi­de advice and coun­sel­ling for child­ren, ado­le­s­cents and par­ents, and other peo­p­le invol­ved in edu­ca­ti­on and paren­ting on the fol­lo­wing topics:

Expe­ri­en­ces of vio­lence
Fami­ly pro­blems in fami­ly and school
Pro­blems at school
Beha­viou­ral pro­blems
Life cri­ses
Deve­lo­p­men­tal disorders

The fol­lo­wing ser­vices are available:

Sys­te­mic individual/couple and fami­ly coun­sel­ling or the­ra­py
Parent counselling/ Media­ti­on in cases of separation/ divorce
Super­vi­sed visi­ta­ti­on
Per­for­mance dia­gno­stics
Groups for child­ren and par­ents on the topics of separation/divorce
Pre­ven­ti­ve offers (work­shops, cour­ses, online semi­nars, par­ents’ evenings, etc. on various topics)