Registration and information

To regis­ter for a con­sul­ta­ti­on, call!

Regis­tra­ti­on times

Mon­day 10am-noon
Wed­nes­day 2–4pm
Thurs­day 2–4pm

Making and can­cel­ling appoint­ments (all loca­ti­ons) for clients

03 42 06 53 75 6


Böh­len coun­sel­ling cent­re (head office)
Platz des Frie­dens 10, 04564 Böh­len
S‑Bahn city train line & bus 100, 107 (get off at: Bahn­hof Böhlen)

Mark­klee­berg branch office
Wer­ner-Rum­melt-Str. 3, 04416 Mark­klee­berg bus 65, 79 (Park­stra­ße stop)
S‑Bahn city train line (get off at: Mark­klee­berg S‑Bhf. or Mark­klee­berg Nord)

Leip­zig-Engels­dorf coun­sel­ling cent­re
Alt­he­ner Str. 16, 04319 Leip­zig
Bus 72, 172 (get off at: Engels­dorf Gymnasium)

An advice and coun­sel­ling cent­re for all families

Our coun­sel­ling is available to ever­yo­ne, regard­less of natio­na­li­ty, eth­nic and social back­ground, gen­der, sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on and iden­ti­ty, reli­gi­on or ideo­lo­gy or the spe­ci­fics of someone’s part­ner­ship or fami­ly life.
We are bound by con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and our con­sul­ta­ti­on is free of char­ge.
We also offer advice to edu­ca­tio­nal, social and medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals on topics rela­ted to fami­ly and child protection.